• {{CurrentProduct.Savings_percentage_print}}
  • {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}} {{CurrentProduct.Attributes.filter(x => x.Name == 'Vrsta akcije')[0].AttributeValue.Value}}
Ne odgovaramo za eventualne pogreške nastale u opisu proizvoda. Slike artikala su ilustrativne prirode te ne moraju u potpunosti odgovarati artiklima.

Cherry Secure Board 1.0 tipkovnica sa čitačem Smart kartica (+beskontaktni RF/NFC), USB, crna

  • Šifra artikla
  • Kataloški broj
  • Jamstvo
    24 mjeseca
Navedene su veleprodajne cijene bez PDV-a. Za tvrtke registrirane za daljnju prodaju odobravamo popuste.

Akcijske cijene vrijede samo za tvrtke koje se bave daljnjom prodajom.
- Contact/contactless card reader and encrypted key transmission
- The SECURE BOARD 1.0 is an ergonomic keyboard with an integrated reader for smart cards and cards/tags with an RF/NFC interface
- For added security and confidentiality, the keyboard can be switched to a secure mode
- Now the device can authenticate itself with a certificate and the key transmission is encrypted
- This renders hardware key loggers useless and because the standard keyboard channel is locked, BadUSB attacks cannot be carried out on it
- Thin clients that have the necessary software integrated are particularly suitable for using these functions

- Intelligent security keyboard with integrated reader for smart cards and cards/tags with RF/NFC interface
- Secure mode with authentication and encryption, especially with thin clients
- PC/SC smart card reader, CCID compatible
- Protocols: T=0, T=1, T=CL
- Read/write with ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 A/B compliant cards
- Read/write with FIDO2 NFC Token
- Flat design, low smart card contacting unit
- Satisfies FIPS-201 requirements
- Standard drivers for Windows and Linux
- One-handed operation of smart card module
- Awarded the Blue Angel environmental seal

- Hardware interface: USB
- Compatible chip card types: ISO 7816 cards
- Chip card protocols T=0, T=1
- Transmission speed reader <==> card: 420 kBit/s
- Transmission speed reader <==> system: max. 12 MBit/s
- Chip card clock frequency 4.8 MHz
- Contacting: mechanical swipe reader
- Mating cycles: approx. 100.000 operations Software interface PC/SC, CCID

- Compatible card types: ISO 14443A /B, ISO 15693 cards and tags
- Range: < 5 cm
- NFC: ISO/IEC 18092
- NFC mode: Reader/writer
- NFC tags: 1-5
- Anti-collision: First card detected is active

- Key technology: LPK
- Service life of standard key > 10 million strokes
- Number of keys Depends on product, see "Models" table
- Number of extra keys: 4
- Interface: USB
- Cable length: 180 cm
- Operating temperature: 0°C to 50°C
- Storage temperature: -20°C to 65°C
- Dimensions: approx. 458×188×46 mm
- Weight: 840 g
  • _video_link
  • <iframe width="700" height="350" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2bB-RxDO3iQ" title="CHERRY SECURE BOARD 1.0: Kontakt und RF/NFC-Kartenleser und verschlüsselte Tastenübertragung" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Sučelje
  • USB
  • Vrsta
  • Tipkovnica
  • Boja
  • Crna
  • Zaštita
  • Ne
  • Ostalo
  • Membranska
  • Osvjetljenje
  • Ne
  • Robna marka
  • (175-57)

Povezani proizvodi

Besplatna dostava

Za narudžbe veće od 265,00€ (bez PDV-a), organiziramo besplatnu dostavu robe. Izuzetak su komunikacijski ormari, čiju dostavu naplaćujemo prema veličini pošiljke.

Veleprodaja informatičke opreme

Prodaju vršimo isključivo pravnim osobama. Samo za daljnju prodaju odobravamo rabate od 5 - 20% ovisno o grupi proizvoda. Sve navedene cijene su veleprodajne, bez PDV-a. Obratite nam se s povjerenjem